Ear Cleansing Lotion

This mild but effective Ear Cleancing Lotion will dislodge ear secretions and ease irritations caused by wax built-up and other debris without leaving oil residues into the ear canal. You may repeat the treatment twice a week when your pet shows acute symptoms. Afterward use once a week to prevent any build-up. Help ease your cherished pet’s itchy ears with this very high performance lotion.
Direction: Place 2-3 drops in the ear and wait for your pet to shake its head. The product will dislodge ear secretions and ease irritations. If desire, you may clean the external part of the ear with a clean cloth. Do not insert cleaning swab or cloth into the ear canal. You may repeat the treatment twice a week when your pet shows acute symptoms. Afterward, use once a week to prevent any ear irritation or itchiness. See veterinarian if your pet’s symptoms do not improve or worsen.